Friday, December 6, 2013

Week 1

In the first day of class, all we basically did was go over the course and what we will be learning. We only "thank god" got a few papers this semester. I personally don't like papers but if I get a good topic I can write for days. The professor is really chill and so funny. He also knows how to teach because besides some days when we don't really do anything, but when we do, I actually do learn some different techniques. During the first two weeks we read some really weird but good stories. One that stuck out to me the most was How to Become a Writer.  Reason why it stuck out to me because everyone is different when it comes to writing. It doesn't matter where you come from or where you was raised. If your writing is good, its good. The dumbest people can be the greatest writers. Writing is a freedom of speech because whatever your writing, it should never be judge unless your writing a paper or etc.  So far the class is going good and love the professor.

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